Dancing Toothless glass pendant. Please select the color you would like during checkout. Each one measures under 1 inch tall.
🎨Color Options & their descriptions:
Red - Pomegranate, transparent color.
Yellow - transparent, CFL reactive color looks yellow under LED & sunlight. Shifts to pink under florescent lights.
Mint Green - opaque soft green shade.
Transparent Green - transparent, Sunset Slyme CFL reactive color looks lime green under LED & sunlight. Shifts to a peachy pink color under florescent lights.
Light Blue - opaque soft blue shade.
Purple - Purple Lilac, transparent color.
Pink - Blush, opaque pink shade.
UV Clear - Lucy is the main body color with Nova and Illuminati accents. All uv reactive meaning they will glow under black light. The body glows pink with yellow spots and green eyes. Looks clear under all other light sources. It will only look colorful under black light.
White - Opaque white color.
Black - Opaque black color.